Wednesday 28 September 2011

Why I like a Physical Lifestyle

Being active in your life is one of the most important things you can do for your life. It keeps you fit and it also keeps you healthy. I play hockey either three or four times weekly. It is tiring but at the same time it is very fun and enjoyable. Being on a hockey team for me is very enjoyable because I love the game and I know that what I am doing is very beneficial to my health. Being physical also helps with meeting new people and friends. While playing hockey I have met many other people my age and have become good friends with them. It is always fun to go to the rink have a good time with my teammates. While lots of sedentary things can be done with friends, they are not quite the same as playing a sport with friends. Being physical to me is very important and I enjoy doing it.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you have such a healthy attitude about activity. I think hockey is definitely a great workout and you get all the social benefits too! When you're old and grey, you can still play too and I think it's a fabulous lifelong sport. Many of my guy friends are still in leagues. Lucky you to have gotten an early start in this sport!
